About Protect Monterey Bay
Our Purpose
We live in one of the most beautiful and biodiverse places in the world - the Monterey Peninsula in central California. Over the years the Monterey Bay - a Protected National Marine Sanctuary has been threatened due to invasive species, overfishing, microplastics, and the allowance of cruise ships.
As young people, we have realized that the stewardship of our world is up to all of us. We may not be voters or taxpayers yet, but we can educate, advocate, and act - which is why we launched Protect Monterey Bay. We hope you join us on a journey to protect our home!
Our History
Like most causes, our story starts when someone is frustrated at the normalization of something terrible. That something was Cruise Ships in Monterey Bay, and that someone was Brent Allen.
A lifelong lover of nature and the outdoor world, Brent was horrified to see Cruise Ships arriving in 2017 in the Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary and decided to take action with friends to paddle out to meet and protest with friends.
In 2019 our rallying cry to “Protect Monterey Bay” became a non-profit founded by student leaders with the encouragement of Brent, who is on our board of directors continuing to bring his trademark passion to our action, advocacy and awareness programs.
It Takes All Of Us
Parents. Students. Business Owners. Government Officials. Concerned Citizens. NGO’s. Scientists. Educators. Visitors.
Become a Member of Protect Monterey Bay - and help us keep this place beautiful for the next generation!